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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Animal Kingdom Origami

Animal Kingdom Origami
by Arvin Jeremy Tan

The task is to prepare an origami zoo

  • Animal Templates
  • Origami Paper
  • Googly Eyes
  • Popsicle Sticks
  • Double-sided Tape

Detailed Instructions:
To start, the child and the kyther can choose to make any of the animals from the given templates.

For example: An Elephant

  1. Start with a square 6" x 6" (15cm x 15cm) origami paper color side down
  2. Fold it in half (Valley Fold) and open it back up
  3. Now, fold it right to left and open back up
  4. Fold the top left corner at an angle to meet the center crease
  5. Fold the paper in half - bring the top edge down to meet the bottom edge (Mountain Fold)
  6. Now fold the left side to meet the center crease
  7. Open up the fold you just made
  8. Make a squash fold
  9. Make a small fold on the top right
  10. Attach the googly eyes!

Zoo Fence:
  1. Use the popsicle sticks to construct the fence
  2. Place 5 popsicle sticks vertically side by side, and then attach one popsicle stick at the top and one at the bottom, horizontically, for support.
  3. Make around 6 pieces for a hexagonally shaped zoo fence.

When a child is attached to an IV, motions involving the use of instruments such as pencil, crayons, or scissors are next to impossible and maybe painful for the child. With origami, the child may have an easier time folding creases using the whole hand instead of moving certain fingers that end up hitting the IV.

Animals: http://www.origami-resource-center.com/origami-animals.html
Panda: http://www.origamiway.com/origami-panda.shtml
Turtle: http://www.origamiway.com/origami-turtle.shtml
           : http://howset.com/animated_show/how-to-make-turtle/#.U6p581UaYi4
Monkey: http://www.origamiway.com/origami-monkey.shtml
Frog: http://www.origamiway.com/origami-frog.shtml
Jumping Frog: http://www.origamiway.com/origami-jumping-frog.shtml
                        : http://howset.com/animated_show/how-to-make-origami_jumping-frog-1/#.U6p6A1UaYi4
Fox: http://www.origamiway.com/origami-fox.shtml
       : http://howset.com/animated_show/how-to-make-origami_fox/#.U6p6D1UaYi4
Dog: http://www.origamiway.com/origami-dog.shtml
      : http://howset.com/animated_show/how-to-make-origami_dog/#.U6p6AVUaYi4
Puppy : http://howset.com/animated_show/how-to-make-puppy/#.U6p5-VUaYi4
Cat: http://www.origamiway.com/origami-cat.shtml
Rabbit: http://howset.com/animated_show/how-to-make-origami_rabbit-traditional/#.U6p6EVUaYi4
Giraffe: http://howset.com/animated_show/how-to-make-origami_giraffe/#.U6p6ElUaYi4
Elephant: http://howset.com/animated_show/how-to-make-origami_elephant/#.U6p6GVUaYi4
Tiger: http://www.origami-make.com/origami-tiger-3d/page-25.php